2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Jan 06, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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DH 104 - Dental Hygiene I

Credits: 3
Introduction to dental hygiene practice. Use and care of instruments, medical and dental histories, emergencies, infection control, appointment procedures and clinical operations.

Student Learning Outcomes
  1. Determine the methods of how disease spreads and infection control procedures and protocols to prevent it in the dental setting
  2. Assess proper ergonomics and breakdown the signs and symptoms of ergonomic strain from improper positioning of the clinician, patient, and unit
  3. Evaluate a health history including vital signs to assess a patient’s health status prior to treatment and the procedures to be followed during an emergency in the dental setting
  4. Explain the extraoral and intraoral structures typically assessed during an examination with normal or abnormal deviations noted.
  5. Describe the components of the periodontium and their function and clinical significance to dental hygiene instrumentation and the progression of health to disease.
  6. Illustrate periodontal probe readings and various dental restorations, conditions and appliances for dental charting.
  7. Illustrate the characteristics, progression and classification system of the carious lesion.
  8. Explain the basic instrument designs, fundamentals and principles of instrumentation techniques and skills for the mirror, probe, explorer, universal curets and sickles in relationship to health through disease.
  9. Explain the fundamentals of dental treatment planning and relate the role that dental services play in the overall treatment schedule of dental needs.
  10. Assess the principles of dental polishing, the devices used in polishing procedures, the accepted technique and the various agents available.
  11. Correlate preventative, educational, and therapeutic care in dental hygiene services.
  12. Demonstrate research skills through patient case-write up.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Associate of Science Dental Hygiene Program

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