2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Nov 21, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Journalism/Media Studies: News Production, AA [JOURNP-AA, 60 Total Credits]


The Associate of Arts in Journalism/Media Studies has two tracks: news production and advertising/public relations. Students will complete a core set of classes and then choose a track they wish to follow pertaining to their specific interests. In this program, students will be provided with the most current and relevant instruction in the field of journalism and integrated marketing communications. Students entering the field of journalism need the skills to compete in the multimedia landscape. The news production track focuses on writing, reporting, analyzing, and producing media for print, online, and broadcast. The advertising/public relations tract focuses on public relations (PR), advertising, direct marketing, and multimedia communication for careers in PR and advertising. Both tracks give students the base knowledge needed for higher education and gainful employment.


Academic Maps: AA Journalism/Media Studies: News Production  


  1. Develop journalistic news judgment, values, and ethics to increase media literacy and competencies in this field.

  2. Improve journalistic skills including research, reporting, interviewing, and writing.

  3. Produce journalistic currency that may include: news articles written in various styles; broadcast news packages for radio and television; advertising, public relations, and marketing materials; and visual media including videos, photographs, and websites.

  4. Integrate modern-day equipment to produce media including computers and software, radio and television apparatus such as cameras and microphones, news-website operating systems, social-media websites, and digital media such as MP3 files.

  5. Transform skills to work situations including internships and production courses.

General Education Requirements (34 Credits)

Mathematics (3 Credits)

NOTE: Your first college-level MATH course MUST be completed before reaching 30 total college-level credits.

Literature (3 Credits)

Natural Science (6-7 Credits)

Two courses from the following, one must include a lab.

Social Science (9 Credits)

Select one course from three different disciplines.

Values and Diversity

All students MUST fulfill this requirement. Course chosen may also be used to fulfill the corresponding general education or special program requirements

Recommended: PSY 101.

Special Program Requirements (26 Credits)