Mar 13, 2025
2019-2020 CSN Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Engineering Technology: Utilities-Natural Gas, AAS [ETUNG-AAS, 60 Total Credits]
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This Associate of Applied Science degree concentration prepares students for technician jobs with natural gas utility companies.
- Recognize basic skills for success in academia and work including applied business communications and writing.
- Demonstrate basic safety, first aid, CPR, and construction industry knowledge.
- Catalog common procedures in the installation and testing of natural gas systems (which requires an understanding of basic process automation) and demonstrate basic ability to perform the standard pipe joining using the common industry methods.
- Differentiate the basics of the common types of welding.
- Be prepared to accept management and/or supervisory positions in the Power Utility and other generating plants.
- Understand the key aspects of customer problem resolution for service professionals.
General Education Requirements (27 Credits)
Mathematics (3 Credits)
NOTE: Your first college-level MATH course MUST be completed before reaching 30 total college-level credits. English Composition (3-5 Credits)
NOTE: Your first college-level ENG course MUST be completed before reaching 30 total college-level credits. Communications (3 Credits)
Strongly Recommended: COM 115. Human Relations (3 Credits)
Natural Science (8 Credits)
Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Science (3 Credits)
- any AM prefix course
- or any ANTH prefix course (except ANTH 102 and ANTH 110L)
- or any ART prefix course
- or any COM prefix course
- or any ECON prefix course
- or ENG 223 - Themes of Literature
- or GEOG 106 - Introduction to Cultural Geography
- or any HIST prefix course
- or any MUS prefix course (except MUS 100)
- or any PHIL prefix course
- or PHO 101 - Beginning Photography
- or any PSC prefix course
- or any PSY prefix course
- or any SOC prefix course
- or any THTR prefix course (except THTR 275)
- or WMST 113 - Gender, Race, and Class
- or World Languages 101B or above (this includes the following course prefixes: ARA, ARM, CHI, FIL, FREN, GER, GRE, ITAL, JPN, KOR, LAT, PORT, RUS, SPAN, and THAI)
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions (4-6 Credits)
Recommended: HIST 100 or PSC 101. Special Program Requirements (33 Credits)
Core Requirements (33 Credits)
Digital Literacy Requirement (0-3 credits)
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